
I am not someone who is “Born to Run”, it is something that comes without any notice at all. Thus this blog is out here to share with everyone the fact that you do not need to be Fast or Swift to Run, in fact I feel the slower one is, the more you should run…

I am just any next door guy that you see who isn’t the popular names among the top elite Singapore runners. I am just running for the benefits that it has brought me so far. I would slowly share the benefits of running in this blog and focus on the review of each race that I took part from now onwards.

I have started running since 2008 with the wierdest reason. I am helping a good friend to lose weight/ keep healthy by running with him weekly. We would both run to the nearby stadium (2km away from each of our homes), ran some serious rounds on it and ran back home. This is how it all started…. and till date, we have both completed numerous Marathons, Half Marathons together (including a couple of friends who had joined us on/off). I have completed about 40 races till July 2014 and completed 11 Marathons to date. I do not know how long and how many more races I can go on (before the mind and legs give way) but as long as they both are working in tandem, I would not stop.

Lastly, I would share a motivation quote that keeps me going…. “Someone who is Busier than me is Running now, so why am I hesitating?20140609_192550

One thought on “About

  1. Hello there, hope you are keeping well and have set some few “big” running goals for 2018.

    Are you joining us at the SCSM 2018 on 09 Dec?

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